Korea Bucket List

Please comment suggestions. This bucket list is painfully short.

1. Have an entire conversation with my Host Family in Korean
2. Have an entire conversation with my Co-Teachers in Korean
3. Visit Jeju-do
4. Go to the DMZ. 
5. Visit a festival.
6. Visit 5 festivals.
7. Try live octupus.
8. Cook a Korean Meal.
9. Cook an American meal for my host family.
10. Go out of the country.
11. Get a T-Money Card. 
12. Get Kakao Talk.
13. Get my hair cut by a Korean in Korean.
14. Get naked with a bunch of Koreans at a JJimjilbang.
15. Visit the big 3: Seoul, Busan, and Daegu.
16. Wear a Hanbok.
18. Ride the KTX.
19. K-Pop Concert. 
20. Drink outside of the local convenience store. 
21. Go on a school trip with my students.
22. Get LASEK


  1. I can help you do some of these when I visit!! I think 5 and 6 are basically the same.

  2. Well, they're a little bit different....
