What's this all about anyway?

Considering my tagline is a modified quote from "Arrested Development," it doesn't give you that much insight into me or what this blog is all about. My name is Alessandra Hodulik. I am a recent alumni from the University of Vermont who was lucky enough to be chosen by Fulbright Korea. For the next year, I will be acting as a cultural ambassador at Baeyoung High School by teaching ESL to first year high school students. I am located in Jeongeup, Jeonbuk.

My Background
For those of you who don't know me, I am from the fine state of Vermont. I grew up in Killington and went to college in Burlington. Now, after graduating with majors in European Studies and Spanish, I am lucky enough to be in South Korea. Why South Korea, you may ask. Actually, many people ask my this all the time. My grandmother, "Grandma Suki," is Korean. That makes me a quarter Korean. My grandmother lived with us for many years, so I had the pleasure of growing up with Korean food and limited Korean culture. After deciding I wanted to apply for a Fulbright, it seemed like a great opportunity to ACTUALLY learn about Korean culture. Plus, I already knew I liked the food. I guess the Fulbright Commission thought it was a good enough reason because here I am!

I guess this should really be separated into 2 different categories. First, I guess I'll tell you my life long goals. One of the reasons I came to Korea instead of going to grad school or entering the workforce is because I am very undecided as to what my lifetime goals are. Some days, I think I want to be a lawyer. Other days, I think teaching might be in my future. Most consistently, though, I say I would like to be a study abroad adviser at a University or study abroad program. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to travel. In fact, one of the first things I knew about my future job is that I wanted to be able to travel while doing it. I would love to spend my future helping other people reach this same goal.

Now, the fun goals. I have many goals for Korea. In fact, you can find most of them in my Korea Bucket List section. In summary, though, my goals include learn Korean! This way, when I return, I can actually have a conversation with my grandmother. I also really want to volunteer at an orphanage in Korea. In fact, I'd like to volunteer a lot here. I'd like to make some Korean friends. Go to many different Korean festivals, and travel all around Korea. Oh, and I'd like to travel to other countries while I'm here.

This Blog
As I state in the disclaimer, this blog is a leisure blog. Before I left, I asked my family and friends if they thought I should create a blog. My argument was that, really, I'm not interesting enough to have an entire blog. Their response was, "well, that might be the case but we'll read it!" So, the purpose of this blog is to keep people updated on me and post cool pictures. Think of it more as a personal journal experience than an official/researched/thoroughly thought out blog. Comments are always greatly appreciated. 

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