Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Daily Grind

Daily life in Korea is a little different for me. Here are some pictures and various recollections that didn't merit their own entry.
Yes, this terrified me. This is my host mom's computer. What ARE ALL THE ICONS FOR???
The birthday cake I baked for my host brother. It was DELICIOUS.
That's my brother eating mac and cheese and Kimchi. And me not realizing I was taking a video.
What is this madness? That is a maxed out google hang out. We've got Erica and Fabio on 2 computers, George, and my mom.
That says Sandra's drive home schedule. Ah, the office takes such good care of me :)
I'm a little less proud of this photo today. I caught my vice principal taking a picture of me in almost the exact same sleeping position. Whelp. BTW, this is completely normal in Korea. I could probably snap a picture of every teacher sleeping in one day. This is my desk mate though, so he's an easy one to get. Mr. Kong is the PE teacher and Dorm supervisor. He is not very popular with the students....
Every once in a while, I meet with teachers from local high schools and we have a discussion day. This was the first day. Hyoung Ran is also nice enough to teach me Korean when I remember to ask her...Speaking of which...I should text her...
My Host grand dad's grape vineyard. They're organic and YUMMY.
I'm not sure what it is. But it APPARENTLY is Vermont Curry.
Korean mystery meat~
Birthday Makgeoli. One of my favorite beverages in Korea. To clarify, this is just Makgeoli. It is only birthday makgeoli cause I drank it on my birthday.
My white person stripper name
My birthday cake. For breakfast. Yes, this was after the breakfast meal. Om nom nom

A Duck Truck. Hehe.

My new specs.
The bedroom. It's messier now.
The view from my bedroom. 

Aaaaand 6:30 am tennis. Every once in a while, on Saturdays, my host dad tries to teach my host brother and I tennis. We are not very good. At all. But, an early Saturday morning is good for everyone?