Nothing is better than receiving a package when you live out of the country. When someone sends you a package, you know it's a big deal. They had to pick that stuff out, put it in a box, go to the post office, and pay the absurdly high fee to mail it across the world to you. Being on the receiving end of that kind of love always feels awesome.
Also, just getting mail is pretty awesome. I'm not going to lie, I even get excited when something I delivered to myself comes in because it feels like I'm getting mail. Although, now that most of my mail is bills, maybe my love for mail is changing. Packages, though. Packages are always awesome.
That being said, some packages are more awesome than others. Like when my Dad sent me a whole lot of developed photos to put around my house as decorations, that was pretty awesome. I rarely develop my photos these days so going out of the way to develop them was incredibly sweet.
Then, there are the packages that after being opened are a little less exciting. It's like the process of opening them is more fun than what's actually inside.Like, when my mom sent me a package last week. Sorry mom, I love you, but this was one of the cases when getting the package was more exciting than what was inside. Probably because this was inside:
Ok mom, I know it wasn't exactly from you (and don't show this blog to emo), but this skirt reminds me of Christ the King and MSJ's strange Shrek like love child. (Christ the King is the elementary school that fed into my High School, MSJ. It is a Catholic School. CKS had uniforms, MSJ didn't.) But, that being said, the package was still great. I got a Christmas Card to add to my non-existent collection on my fridge.
And then, there's times when someone sends you a package that is so great and wonderful, it really makes your entire week. Actually, more like the entire Christmas season. I get all of my packages at school, so I was sitting at a desk when an office worker struggled over with a huuuge box. "Sandra 선생님, For you" It was from my sister and brother, Erica and George.
Quickly, I tore open the package and found this:
The note said that Erica and George wanted to bring Christmas to me since I could not be home for Christmas. Each present is marked with a date so I know when to open it. They don't start until December 20th. Some of the wrapping paper is a little torn (probably because of customs), but I still can't see what any of the things inside are. I'm so excited to start opening~~ Getting the presents home were a little difficult. I borrowed a huge bag from a co-teacher and filled up my backpack. As I was leaving, the teachers told me I looked like Santa Claus.
There was one package I could open and set up to add Christmas cheer to my apartment.
Here is my Christmas wreath. :) :) :) Best Family Ever.