Friday, December 12, 2014

My After School Ladies and Gents

One of the most fun experiences at my new school was my 11 person after school class. Despite the less than stellar attendance record and mixed level, the class ended up being a really fun way to engage some students. We had 18 classes total and many different activities. Here is some of the work that these 11 amazing students completed. Not depicted here - the zombie game. 2 of the girls said this was their favorite activity, but it was all speaking. Sorry, no zombie post.

Acrostic Poems: In order to learn a little more about the students and to nail down their names, I made them make and present Acrostic poems the first week. They...didn't like this activity as much, but they still made some pretty fantastic poems. Some are just nonsense, but they're pretty entertaining.

Su-Neung Day: We made signs for this years students taking the big Korean examination.

Postsecret: In our after school class, we made post secret cards. Here are my students. I need to mail them in :) (The "So Cute" one was just an additional present for me)

Back Side
Front Side
The Thanksgiving Lessons: This year, I was particularly homesick for Thanksgiving so I decided to bring the holiday to my students. On the first day, I told them both stories of Thanksgiving. The second day was dedicated to Thanksgiving food games. The third day was dedicated to...eating homemade pumpkin pie. Noms. 


My favorite: The Fire Breathing Turkey.

The End: On the last day of class, I had all the students write a nice thing to each other. They also made one of these cards for me. Like most days, attendance was a problem, but I was lucky enough to have most of my students. They were all incredibly sweet. I taught them the term "suck up," by the way, whiuch is why one of the boys was calling out his friend. Two of the girls, I won't get a chance to teach again after this semester. They will be third graders and I will only see them rarely in the hallways ㅠ,ㅠ. They were some of my sweetest students. The others, however, I will have the pleasure of teaching next year. :D This is our after school chicken party on the last day.

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