Monday, February 23, 2015

Trekking Korea: Bukhansan and Gochang Fortress

It's impossible to stay in Korea and not get swept into the hiking/trekking culture. I live near a hiking path and every weekend, brightly dressed ajumas and ahjusshis pour out of the subway station to take on the local trails.

Although it is winter, the cold weather doesn't stop the locals from taking on the trails so I didn't want to let it stop me either. In January, on a particularly warm day, some friends and I decided to take on the hiking trail near my house. It was a particularly small path, but a lot of fun. Here are some pictures:

Oh the selfie stick photos

During the vacation, I was also lucky enough to visit my homestay family. Since they knew I liked hiking and trekking, they brought me to the Gochang fortress. Apparently, if you walk around the fortress walls with a stone above your heads a few times, you can live forever!! We only went around once.,..without a stone over our I guess we'll never know!

The fortress was originally used to keep away Japanese pirates. Now, it is just a nice walking path and a good time for a beautiful day :)
My homestay dad Jaesung

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