Monday, June 15, 2015

Boseong Green Tea Fields

While my students had a camping vacation in Gyeongido, I was lucky enough to travel down south to Jeollanamdo. It was about 2 hours from where I was placed last year. It is a prime photo shop for both Korean and foreign tourists. Unfortunately, I chose the wrong weekend to visit and the tea leaves had just been picked...

But, luckily it was still beautiful. These tea leaves were originally cultivated by the Japanese during the colonial period. Now, they continue to be harvested for both Korea and around the world.

The tourists flock year round to see the beautiful green mountains in the spring, the snow covered crops in the winter, and the foliage in the fall. I'm not sure what's special about the summer. Probably just more green.

After a short hike up the fields, you can look down the hill for a really pretty view.


Or pose in the fields...

Bleh, I was sick that day. Try the green tea ice cream too. It's really good soft serve there!!

The closest city is  Mokpo. Here are some pics from a sunset hike...where we kinda missed the sunset :/


Well, from the peak at least. It was a nice little short vacation before the rain came. Mokpo was a beautiful city :)