With 80 new and young residents that are definitely eager to explore, Goesan just got a little more exciting. Whether we're making the rounds for Papinsu or a quick stop in the stationary store, we're making an appearance.
One of the places where we most frequently make our appearances is B&B. This is a local bar that, somehow, became the ETA place to hang out. One Friday, we successfully crammed at least 60 of us into the bar. Oh, and we spent 650,000 won.
How's that for a bar tab?
Now, I'm a self proclaimed whiskey girl, but my liquor of choice has been rather nonexistent. Instead, Soju is the choice option. Soju and a PBR-esque beer.
So, what is Soju? (소주) Soju is a rice vodka like thing.
You can order it by the bottle, and take shots. In our group, it is not uncommon to see one person with their own bottle. We usually share though.
Or, you can blend it with watermelon and make this delicious treat.
Oh yeah. It is as good as it looks. A group of this drank 4 pitches of this and 3 pitches of beer. After those 2 hours at the bar or so, we each owed 4,000 won.
That's like 4 dollars. Less than 4 dollars. Best country ever?
And what do you do after you hit up the watermelon soju? Go to the 노래방. A "norebon" is where you rent out private karaoke rooms. Your group of friends can go in and sing. For hours. There is a wall of television screens and pages upon pages of books. The walls are fairy soundproof too, to hide your awful singing.
Now, those of you who have heard my singing voice should not be surprised, but after a half hour or so in my room, everyone fled my voice. My friend Kate and I spent literally 45 min straight singing. We were the only ones in the room for most of that.
What a pitcher looks like in Korea.
The projector screens with KPOP
Mmmmm Beer.
...Although not very good beer.
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