Sunday, July 7, 2013

Suit Up!

After a year long application process and a month long packing process, it is crazy to believe that I am finally here. In Korea. Jungwon University to be exact, in rural Korea.

Despite the amount of kimchi consumed, it is still hard to process that I'm in a different country. We've had a guest lecturer and a Korean placement exam. Basically, it feels like a conference. I'm isolated in a 10 story building with over 80 americans. I think I have interacted with 10 Koreans. Which, for me, is less than a family outing with my grandmother, her friends, my aunts and cousins. 

The school appears ominous. When driving up to it, it looms on top of a hill. Also, in order to save energy, lights constantly turn off behind you. Despite the large, empty feeling of the building, the campus is beautiful. There are 2 soccer fields in front, a fountain fixture, and a golf course on the grounds. Oh, and did I forget to mention the water park?? Since entering Korea, this isolated campus is all I know. 

Of course, today that will change. Their taking us to visit a school to watch an ETA in action! (I would be scared to be that ETA...) 7 different schools, 7 different groups taking a tour of local high schools. So exciting! 

So far, we've had a speaker come in and tell us about the difficulties and stress of a Korean high school. We've heard a lot about ETAs in action. Of course, the best way to understand is directly observe. I'm stoked to seen a classroom and the actual abilities of students. I guess it's time to suit up :)

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